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Rebecca West & Aimee Delamore

The adventures of two American expat entrepreneurs - Aimee in Spain and Rebecca in France. Follow their adventures setting up new lives in these two countries while running their business, Aimee as a nutritionist at Vibrance Nutrition, hosting the podcast Blasphemous Nutrition, and Rebecca as an Interior Design Business Coach, hosting the podcast Stuff Interior Designers Need To Know.

Ep 23 - Do You Tip In France, Or Not? Rebecca Dishes On The "American Tax" At French RestaurantsJune 20, 2024
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Ep 22 - Hot Meat & Spanish Humanity: Aimee Makes Friends With The Beggar on The BridgeJune 13, 2024
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Ep 21 - Zero Modesty: Rebecca Tells Us Exactly What It Was Like To Have The Medical OFII Visit For Her French VisaJune 06, 2024
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Ep 20 - When Moving Abroad Triggers Emotional Eating - But Hey, At Least The Comfort Food's FancierMay 30, 2024
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EP 19 - Rebecca Finds Her Next Paris Apartment... & Dishes on Healthy Eating in FranceMay 14, 2024
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EP 18 - Aimee Lets Her Child Roam the Spanish Streets... ALONE!April 23, 2024
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Ep 17 - Flashback Episode - What You Don't Expect When Your Visa is Approved, Geopolitical Shenanigans and Capture the FlagApril 22, 2024
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Ep 16 - Expat Expectations: Is being an expat how we hoped it would be?April 15, 2024
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Ep 15 - Reinventions and Revelations: Redefining Yourself Abroad and the Truth About Meat in SpainApril 09, 2024
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Ep 14 - Rebecca made it to France... and Murray the Cat Goes Missing!!April 02, 2024
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Ep 13 - 48 Hours Till We Leave for France... and No Papers for the Cat!March 25, 2024
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Ep 12 - To Say Goodbye or Not to Say Goodbye? Expat Lessons From Ted LassoMarch 21, 2024
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Ep 11 - T Minus 10 Days for Rebecca: Lessons from the Peace Corp and Emotional EatingMarch 19, 2024
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Ep 10 - Flashback Episode - Surprises and lessons found in the early days of integrationFebruary 29, 2024
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Ep 9 - Visa Approved, Bags Packed: Navigating Sentimental Attachments and Embracing Gratitude in the Expat AdventureFebruary 26, 2024
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Ep 8 - Finding Community and Belonging in Girona, Spain: Rebecca Asks Aimee What She Feared & Hoped For, and What Really HappenedFebruary 20, 2024
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Ep 7 - Ditching the Fast-Food Culture: Do We Pack Our Bad Habits or Can We Leave Them Behind When We Move Abroad?February 19, 2024
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Ep 6 - Rebecca Submits The Paperwork for her French Visa, Plus the Adventures of Murray, the Traveling Cat!February 13, 2024
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Ep 5 - Flashback Episode - The Logistical Nightmare of Integrating Without Visas, and What To Pack for Your New LifeFebruary 09, 2024
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Ep 4 - Rebecca Navigates French Visa Applications & Pet Travel: The Expat Prep Continues!January 23, 2024
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Ep 3 - Embracing the Quirks: Aimee's Got a Ghost (AND an In-Home Elevator!)January 17, 2024
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Ep 2 - Rebecca Chooses Health Insurance for Her French Visa (Moving Abroad Requires a Lot of Adulting!)January 08, 2024
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Ep 1 - Meet Aimee & Rebecca, Fearlessly Moving Abroad!January 01, 2024
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