
Ep 36 - FLASHBACK - Aimee Suddenly Has the Power to Eavesdrop on EVERYBODY

Rebecca West

Aimee goes to London, eavesdrops on everyone and realizes a major mistake in leaving her family back in Spain. 

Where to find Aimee:

Where to find Rebecca:

Bonjola, this is Amy. This month we want to share a series of flashback episodes detailing all of the travel that we've done in the spring and summer, and some of the things that we're taking away from that experience. So, what you're going to be hearing this month are actually recordings that we did as early as May 2024, moving in throughout the summer. In October, we'll resume more current episodes detailing our autumn and transition into the holiday season. Thanks for listening! Welcome to Bonjola, a podcast about two women, Amy and Rebecca, who each moved from the United States to Europe to become expats, Amy to Spain and Rebecca to France. We're here to share the highs, the lows, and the logistics of this adventure, encourage you to follow your own move abroad dreams, and remind you that you're not alone when the going gets tough. Enjoy.


Bon jola. Amy,


Bonjoula, Rebecca.


we last were together, you took an adv, a solo adventure to London. Would you like to tell us all about that?


I did, I did. I went to a place where everybody spoke English and it felt like I was constantly eavesdropping on other people's conversations. I thought it would be like all those shows where someone, you know, becomes telepathic and they can hear everybody's thoughts, right? But it wasn't that overwhelming. It was just more this sense of they're not talking to me, but I can hear them and understand them. And it was, and it was like being privy to a conversation that was none of my business. So I, so I had this perpetual sense of eavesdropping. That was really weird.


That's, I had never really thought about it, but there is a certain, it's a, it's not a real privacy, but there's almost a feeling of privacy walking around in a place where people don't technically speak your language. Um, although one must always be careful, especially if you're speaking English, because most people actually know our language quite well, and you're never going to get away with a secret in English,


Yes. Yes, you, you can't speak poorly about someone in your native tongue and think that they won't hear you.


So you're, you're hyper aware of what the people were saying. May I ask. And this comes from a personal place. Were you swooning over the British accents?


I, you know, I actually wasn't so much and maybe it was because they didn't stand out. Because that was all over. I was totally swooning over all of the gothic architecture And you know, I haven't been in London since the 1990s and they've cleaned up a lot Big Ben got a scrub down in 2017 looks glorious The you know when I first went to London, you know, I was just this this kid who grew up in Alaska And, uh, and we flew to London after I graduated from high school, with some friends of mine. And it was the first place I'd ever been in the world where I blew my nose and my snot was black because of the air quality. Yeah, it was really nasty. That did not happen this time. And I was, I was talking to somebody who, who said that, you know, they've really done a lot to kind of clean up the air quality in London and, um, like you have to have a special permit to drive a non hybrid or non electric car in the city. And if you. If you don't have one of those vehicles, you have to pay basically a steep permit cost in order to be able to get into town. So the air has cleaned up a lot. The air is actually really fresh down there. I mean, the Thames is still like a sewage dump, but the air is nice and the buildings look cleaner than I remember them being in the 1990s.


that is so interesting because I only went to London for the first time quite recently, and so I, that's my only impression of it. That's so, I mean, I'm super grossed out by the fact that you blew your nose black. Ew, ew, ew. I mean, that's happened to me when I'm spray painting a project. So I know that your nose can get filled with color. Um, I've never had that happen from pollution. Wow.


Yeah. It was really stunning. It just was, you know, it was something that I never knew could happen until it did.


The one thing I do remember, and I'm assuming, cause I think I saw a picture of you on, maybe on Facebook, um, at a phone booth because we can't, you know, we're so obsessed with British phone booths because they're adorable, but they also seem to double as urinals. Did that rain true? Was it all smelly for you too?


Did not smell that. No. I noticed that many of the windows had been busted out, which was super sad. Um,


maybe it's some good ventilation for the urinal situation I had


Perhaps. Perhaps. Yeah. Yeah.


Oh, that's funny. So you were there for a conference, right?


Yeah. I was there for the Integrative and Personalized Medicine Conference, which is probably Britain's largest kind of integrative, functional medicine type conference, and, my primary goal was, go there, talk to the people who do labs, talk to the people, the supplement dispensary companies, different supplement companies, figure out, you Who can I get accounts with? What are the required, like does what I do in the U. S. because I'm not a registered dietitian, but I am very much qualified education wise, right? And experience wise. So, you know, my essential questions were like, can I even Order labs in Europe, if I'm not a registered dietitian, are there hoops that I have to jump through in order to do that? And will it be worthwhile, you know, same with the supplement companies because in the US they want you to show proof of licensure, you know, your diplomas, things like that. And that's effectively the same thing here. And everybody was like, yes, yes, you're, you can do this. It won't be, won't be a big issue. So I'm super excited about that. And, I looked into getting registered as a nutritional therapist in the UK. Which I'm undecided as to whether or not I will do. It's basically, you know, a recognized certification that might open up some doors, may not, you know, all of these sort of career things that I'm thinking about. Well, I'm in my mid forties and wondering what I even want my career to look like at this point. So


But what you're talking about really, it's a, it's a thing that immigrants and expats have to deal with a lot because professional degrees don't always transfer, and education don't always transfer to a new country, no matter how good that education was.


Exactly. And the U. S. is notorious for being total dicks about it. You know, people are like physicians wherever they come from and they have perfectly fine education, maybe decades of experience. I remember this from people who had come over from Eastern Europe. And, you know, you're trying to escape communism, you come to the U. S., the land of the free, and you can't work in your designated profession, so you're like freaking cleaning toilets and being treated like crap.


I have met a lot of architects, a lot of architects who are just landscapers because they can't get hired in their profession and I do. It's actually interesting because one of my encounters this week was with some people in the building industry, which you Oh, it was so much fun for me because a lot of my questions surround how our buildings built. How would I remodel? Like I can remodel. I can design a remodel for a house in the United States with my eyes closed. My husband can build a house from the ground up in the United States. We wouldn't have a clue where to begin, but listening to them talk about their profession, it was, it's, it's fascinating because we are, we're pulling the curtain back on this international. world. And so you do understand why they want to be careful about transferring licensure too, because literally some things are different.


Yeah. Yeah.


Although it doesn't seem like that would be as true with health. Although given our past conversation about medicines that are or are not available, it's definitely a different world.


Yeah. Yeah. But in some cases, these people would effectively have to go back to school again and repeat a degree they already have, redo residency, you know, jump through these hoops that are Unnecessary, ultimately, I think, and, and rather insulting to ask of anybody.


Yeah. Cause some of it is just nationalistic. You know, it's just,


Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. Yeah.


So I'm curious about the whole European Union, British thing. And did that come up in your conversations? And, and how would that inform your choices around getting this certification that you were talking about?


It came up constantly. Because of Brexit, there are a lot of companies that are UK based that were, you know, there. In London, because it's, you know, it's a London conference who have not yet regained the ability to distribute their products in the European Union because they have to now reapply through the, through whatever European Union commissions there are. They have to find distribution warehouses, um, in the EU. So that way they can avoid tariffs and some companies have done it, some companies haven't. And so, you know, one of the questions that I was asking everybody is, do you ship to the EU? If I practice in the EU, can I utilize this? Um, And for some of them it was a yes, and for some of them it was a no. But the Brexit has really jacked things up, and Ireland is making hand over fist because of it. So a lot of folks in the UK have gone to Ireland because it's part of the EU, right across the channel. Right? Is it the channel?


I think so. But you're welcome to fact check us and tell us we were wrong. I think


Right. I don't know if the English channel is south of the country and is what separates. England from France, or if it's what separates England from Ireland.


it's the French, because I think when we took the train from France to England, that's what we crushed, crossed by train underneath of the water. But again, listeners. Do not trust us for geography.


Exactly. We're just stupid Americans.


trying to figure it out in front of your very ears.


So, anyway, so a lot of UK companies have jumped the water and opened up shop in Ireland, so that way they can, you know, stay engaged with the EU. I also discovered companies that are shipping out of Estonia, they're effectively finding distribution places that where they can inexpensively, you know, Or, easily, store product and have it shipped


Cause that's the problem. When I was here for our three month trial period, there were things that I could get shipped to me. But the shipping time was outrageous because of all of the bureaucratic loops, that product had to go through to get to me, what I ordered never did arrive, even though I think it ultimately would have it had I been here long enough to receive it.






Yeah. And the European Union is already known for being a slow, curmudgeonly, like, worn, bureaucratic entanglement that is very difficult to get anything done. And this, of course, has only made things that much more challenging,


true. Although it helps support my desire to live a slower lifestyle because No choice.


There is that. There is that. Way to see the bright side.


So what was a highlight or two of you for, for London? And by the way, back it up. How did you get there? Did you take a flight Okay.


I did. I flew. So the flight was about 50 euro each way.


So cheap.


I know. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Train, you know, the train to the airport, uh, Spain side was about 20 euro. And then the train from the Gatwick Airport in London into the center of town was 23 pounds. So, travel itself was very inexpensive, you know, how everything else in London is outrageous. I feel like it's proper preparation for me to return stateside for a bit to have to like make these decisions constantly, like, do I really want to pay? four pounds for a bloody latte when I can just go to this corner store and get some trash espresso and milk in a refrigerated can for less than half that price


you were telling us in the last episode that you, that Instant Nescafé is comfort for you. So you should just get your freeze dried coffee and call it good.


You know, I would have done that had I not had to Either leave it there or like it




So yeah, and I have done that before is just grab my instant coffee or or buy packets The single serving size packets. I haven't found a suitable substitute for that here Um for my travel coffee, but yeah, it's it was um I did splurge one night and went out and got gluten free fish and chips at a pub which was amazing. It was awesome. That was, that was great. Cause when in London, right? Unless you have a seafood allergy, you really got to try the fish and chips.


And did you stayed in a hotel or an air B& B?


I stayed in an Airbnb and I went full on college kid hostel style because again, when I did the conversion, the cheaper hotels in London would have run me 1, 200 for four days. And I'm just like, not. not interested. So I stayed at an Airbnb, which in a, in a flat, it was a room, in a flat in a very quiet neighborhood, which was wonderful. But it was, it felt like one of those situations where you've got. A bunch of university kids and maybe they all are living together because of Craigslist, right? But they don't really know each other. And sometimes somebody doesn't flush the toilet and there's hair in the shower and dirty dishes in the sink. So, it was, a low key disappointing experience for 600 bucks, but I wouldn't have been able to sleep anywhere else cheaper. I don't think. So I was really grateful the neighborhood was quiet and safe. I didn't have to worry about that. And despite Living with, I don't know, maybe there was three other people living in the house, maybe. It was really hard to tell. Everybody was super, super quiet. So I appreciate that. And, um, no regrets. I just wish that they were a little bit more clean.


it's funny bring that up because that's one of the things I have felt As being an expat, you know, first of all, I've been a homeowner for decades. So just being a renter automatically makes me feel like I've gone back a few decades in my life and then I can't change my home. I can't paint.




And then of course I went out karaoke in with a bunch of 24 year olds one night. Like that's. Zango to me, but there's a, there's kind of a delight at 47 years old. I'm like, oh, I can still feel 27. You know, I mean, it's never the same. I'm certainly not the same as them. We went, I'll tell you about this more later on a different episode, but we went hiking with a 24 year old. And we totally kept up, but afterwards


You felt it.


and our little 24 year old got out of the taxi and just sprung away like a little deer. So, it's kind of fun being an expat because it sheds a lot of the, I don't know, what is it? Expectation of adulting? Have you felt what I'm talking about?


But not as an ex pat, no. I feel like whenever I get together with a group of women who are moms, and it's just us and we've got like the night or the weekend, that's when, that's when it's like, woo, woo, you know?


That's true, because you are still raising a son. You have a lot of responsibility at every moment, despite the fact that you live in Europe now.


Right, right. So those are the times where I'd say it's like reverting back to your 20s, but, Really, I haven't had that. I haven't had that here. I mean, there's definitely the awareness, that at any point in time we can shed who, who we have


Like, the reinvention aspect of being


re yes, the reinvention aspect. And, and I'll say, you know, now we're, we're close on a year in, I will say that it's harder and harder to remember that I can do that.


Hmm. Mm hmm. Because you're already establishing a new identity now.


I'm, I'm already establishing a new identity and it isn't, that isn't so much of a conscious thing. It's just that I'm distracted from my identity by trying to pass my damn Spanish class.


So was it refreshing to speak English for four or five days?


Not really. Yeah. I think it was because, you know, we speak English in the home. My social connections are English speakers and. Really, outside of my Spanish class, I'm only speaking Spanish if I'm going to the grocery store, going to the butcher, right, trying on clothes, um, it's the only time I'm engaging in a foreign language. So, It was nice to, certainly when I arrived in London and realized I had gotten on the wrong train from the airport and therefore was getting dropped off quite a bit further up the Thames than I expected, It was really lovely to be able to figure that situation out in English because my cell phone was not getting a signal and I couldn't pull up maps to reroute, yeah, to reroute. It was, it was like absolute throwback to pre cell phone days. I had to ask a person how to get to the neighborhood I was going to. And he pulled up on his phone, the directions. Super grateful to be able to do that in English. That was fantastic. I also took my phone and converted my phone from Spanish back to English because I was like, I don't even want to think in Spanish right now. I just want this trip to be super easy. So my phone's going back to English and that was really helpful too not to try and Navigate the unknowns of being in an unknown country with the extra layer of the foreign language when I didn't have to. I did appreciate that.


Yeah. Although that is side note, a really good language learning tip. If you're prepping for a trip like this, you can train your phone over to the new language as soon as you're ready because most of us use our phones without much thought. Right? You know where all the buttons are, you know what the apps look like. And so it's a great way to start training your brain to think in a new language.




the am like even here with my Amazon app, it knows I'm in France and the entire. App is in French, even though I actually put my phone back in English kind of for the same reason you just described. I was just like, I don't need this added layer of challenge. So I enjoyed having my phone in French in the States. And then once I got here, I'm like, nope, it's too much. It's going back to English. And that was just the Amazon app that's in French.


Yeah. My app switched over to Spanish as well, which is really wonderful for pick, for picking up vocabulary. It's fantastic for picking up the vocabulary. And that's really where, you know, when I took my Spanish, my, the first part of my Spanish exam last week, that's where I really realized what a deficit I have in the language is in my vocabulary, in my ability to be able to describe the things around me, in front of me, things that I want to communicate. I don't have the words for them, and I don't have the words for them in a very Notable way as compared to my partner that I was having a dialogue with. So I exited that conversational exam realizing, Oh, you are screwed girl. Cause you just do not have the vocabulary to communicate. At the same level of this other person who is in, in your, in your language level, right? This is where she's at. This is where you're at. This is a problem. So.


Cause you were talking last time or a couple of times ago about You know, language classes are focused so much on grammar and rules and stuff. And it's something I was thinking about this week myself, because we spend a lot of time focusing on tenses. Okay, now tell me a story about what happened last week. Now tell me a story about what's going to happen next week. When in fact, you can get, I think you can get further. In, just keep it present tense, they'll, they'll get it right, whatever, but develop the vocabulary so that you can talk about more subjects




yeah, not having the actual words for, I don't know, the dry cleaners. Like I can't even, it's all the normal words of day to day life. You need them and it takes so much repetition to get them stuck in your head.


It does. It takes so much. I have a very disheartening experience about how much extra time it takes for something to stick now. I don't remember it being that hard. when I was a kid. It probably wasn't that hard when I was a kid. But now my brain is made out of Teflon and so everything just sort of like smacks up against it and slides right down and it doesn't feel like any of it's penetrating.


I am pleased to report. I think I had mentioned to you that. I had met a gal and, and we had said we might wanna do a language exchange. Well, I couldn't find her on the original app because there her name, well her, her name's Anna, and there's like five of them. I'm like, I don't, I don't know which one it is, but they had pictures and thank you know, I love technology, so I took her photo and I did a reverse Google image search. Founder on LinkedIn and sent her a message on LinkedIn. She's written me back and I was like, I think you're the person I met. And I was just kind of guessing. And she's like, yep, it was me. And I would love to do an exchange over coffee. And I, the whole thing in French, cause I knew she wasn't comfortable in English, which is exactly the level I need.




And, um, so yeah, I pursued it. I was super nervous, but I did it. And I'm really pleased about that because this is what I've got to do. If I'm going to succeed the way I want to.


Yeah. It really is just too easy to isolate yourself and, and kind of hide in the comfort of what you know.


it really is. And you know, that can, it can be an okay choice depending on what else is going on in your life.




But if it's important to you, as it is to both of us to become fluent in the cultural language of the place where we're living, it just means you have to be ready to put effort in because in this day and age, it's very easy to let it slide past you,


Yeah. Yeah. There are a lot of workarounds.


which I guess is great news for anybody who doesn't consider this a priority. I think that should be said, actually, you know, the other day I had an experience where I was eight. Ridiculous tourist. And in the moment I was like, I am being a fool, but then I was also like, and nobody's dying. It's not hurting anybody. I'm, you know, I'm not hurting international relations with my choices. So you can also, I think, be a little bit patient with yourself and sometimes just be whatever ridiculous means for you. It's, it's not the end of the world.


That's true. That's true. And most people will forget about it. It


That's also an excellent point. So you're back in Spain now and did it feel like coming home and what are you most glad to be back in Spain for as compared to London and England?


still feels like coming back home. I really, really missed my family on this trip. A lot. Um, I don't, turns out, I don't like exploring places without them. They are a fundamental part of my life. Adventuring at this point in time and all of that was made much worse by the fact that While I was en route to London my son was at school walking on top of a little wall fell down scraped up half of his face and Like, it looks like he was in a bar brawl. He ended up having to go to urgent care. Again, as this seems to be a pattern when I leave town, that something happens and he has to go to urgent care. He got stitches near his eye. Nobody knows. nobody saw what happened. He can't really explain. He was just walking and then he was on the ground and looks like he's been seriously beaten


Oh, poor baby.


even needing stitches. I mean, it's almost as though he slid down the brick wall on his face. It's what it looks like. He's an utter wreck. Um, and to see him look so jacked up and then to be far away again, that he has to go to the clinic. I'm not there. I'm the one who's got the most language competency. I'm also the one with the medical competency to some degree, right? And, you know, here I am away. And I told him, I was like, you know what? I'm really, really sorry. I just asked you not to get sick while I was gone. I didn't ask you not to get sick or hurt.


Yeah. Be more specific, Amy.


well, clearly, clearly that's what needs to happen. I was like, okay, here's the deal. Next time we pinky promise, nobody gets sick, nobody gets hurt. Because we cannot have this happen every time I travel by myself.


Are they just trying to not let you leave ever again? Are they, is this, are they trying to sabotage you?


it's not going to stop me. Because they wait until after I'm gone for it to happen.


Oh, that's sweet. So home is where your family is then I guess.


Home is where the family is, and they are the people that I want to explore and discover with.


I love it. Well, if you are sending somebody off to London, what https: otter. ai


That's an excellent question. Oh gosh, look both ways before crossing any, any direction. Because they're all going the wrong way. But they have finally figured it out because now at the bottom of the crosswalk, they write look right or look left. When I was there in the 90s, that wasn't a thing. You just had to be smart enough not to get run over. But I think, I think Britain has finally realized that they made the wrong choice when it was time to make that decision. Because they're now making sure everybody knows to do the correct thing.


Yes, I remember seeing that and I, again, it was my first time in London, so I never knew it any different, but I was regularly relying on the look left signs. And I think that your tip to look both ways is essential because of course there are plenty of tourists driving who will go the wrong way on those streets too. So, it is, it is self preservation when walking. In London, in England as a non England person.


I didn't even think about tourist drivers. That's utterly terrifying to consider. Yes. So look both ways when you're crossing the street, even if it's a one way street. This is important. Um, try traditional British food while you're there. I went for the fish and ships. It's, you know, 2024 so I could get them gluten free. Super exciting. Not to miss that. Um, And, you know, you're, whatever's iconically London for you, iconically British, that is the thing to do.


I love it. I actually have to slip in. Um, if you get the chance to see Hamilton in,


They're still playing! They're still playing! I ran by, I ran by the Victoria Theatre, Hamilton is still playing, and I came home and I told Shana was like, we should totally go to London for my birthday and see Hamilton so that we can snicker at all the British clapping every time King George gets on the


fabulous. I mean, it's a great musical no matter what, but seeing it in London added a whole level that we didn't see coming and it made it absolutely delightful. So I'm just going to throw that in there at the end too.


Yeah, I hope that they stay, I hope that they stay there at least through the end of the year because I, I think that is what I want for my birthday this year.


Well, since we're talking all things British, I say we do a sign off in English today.


Oh hey! Cheerio, Rebecca!


And I'll go Southern. Bye, y'all.

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Bonjola. If you did, the best thing you can do is share it with another person brave enough to move abroad. See you next time!